How to install Infowars Apk
Before you click on the mega link below, carefully read and follow the instructions given in this page and make sure you DISABLE google play protect or you will not be able to download it since its an unknown app to the system. Just go to googleplay and tap on your account icon and go to play protect and click disable. Follow the rest of these simple steps to make sure you properly download the app.(images are from a moto G styilus and Samsung Galaxy S21 FE so it might be different for you)
Enabling install unknown apps
So the first thing you do is to go to settings, then go to app settings(maybe worded differently), and select special app access. Then go to install unknown apps and make sure its enabled for the web browser you are using(not google drive). Once enabled, it will allow you to install apk files from your web browser in which you are downloading Infowars apk app.
Installing the app from apk file
Now this part is pretty simple. Go to you file manager to access your files and go to downloads, you shouldn't miss it. Go to the apk file that is listed on the very top and it will pop up this window above, tap install and you successfully installed Infowars apk!
Installing app using Mega Link
The link below is a mega link and is fairly simple to download from there(images above shows steps on installing the app). Just tap the link, tap open in browser, and you will find the apk file. Download the apk file by taping the file and tap "DOWNLOAD", it should pop up a window saying "file might be harmful to you device," tap on download anyways and you have successfully downloaded the app.
Version 1.6
Here is the link:
Note that this page will be updated for newer versions in the future. Check on the Updates page to see what all has been updated.